398th Combat Mission

24 August 1944

Target: Airfield on the outskirts of
Kolleda, Germany


Information about this Mission
  1. Formation Chart for 24 August 1944 - After Assembly
  2. Formation Chart for 24 August 1944 - Over Target
  3. Lead Group (601st): Simeral as CA, Fraizer as pilot
  4. High Group (602nd): Scott as CA, Hough as pilot
  5. Low Group (603rd): Stoll as CA, Cullinan as pilot
  6. Operations Officer's Report for 24 August 1944
  7. Bombardier's Narratives for 24 August 1944
  8. S/Sgt. John Veenschoten's Diary for August 24, 1944
  9. Lt. Warren H. Wright's Diary for August 24, 1944