The above photo was taken looking straight down runway 11 which is approximately ESE on the compass. Runway 11 is approximately 110° on the compass.

The 398th generally used runway 23 for take-offs more than any other because of the prevailing winds. Runway 05 was also used for take-offs. The other, shorter runways were rarely used for operational take-offs, but frequently on training missions. Runway 17 was hardly used, only for practice flights, as it headed towards the bomb dump!

They preferred runways 23/05 for landings also - but did indeed use whichever runway was deemed most suitable, determined by wind direction and speed (MO).

The above photo was taken by Major Heyward M. Braddock the C.O of the 325th Station Complement Squadron, near the end of April 1945. He was taken up for a flight around Station 131 one day whilst the Group were away on a mission. The 325th were responsible for all Air Traffic Control and everything 'airside' was actually their responsibility. Braddock had been at Station 131 ever since the arrival of the 398th BG and this was his first chance to see it from above. He was a very keen amateur photographer - Malcolm (Ozzie) Osborn.

If you would like to add information about this photograph, please contact sent to our 398th Photo Historian. Please mention the title and photograph date.